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  • Blog

    How Technology Helps Visually Impaired Navigate Social Distancing World

    As businesses begin to open up and restrictions are lifted, New Yorkers will have to navigate a completely different world. Navigating social distancing is a…

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    A Word About Discipline

    What is the best way for parents to react and respond to children’s misbehavior? Of course, there is no easy answer. It is not that…

  • Blog

    Building Family Resilience

    By Sheila Adamo, LSW, and Facilitator in the Lighthouse Guild Tele-Support Program There are many different definitions of resilience and so many books, articles and…

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    Summer Camp

    Summer for many families has included some sort of camp or recreation program. Recently the American Camp Association and the YMCA’s of the U.S. released…

  • Blog

    Virtual Summer School Tips

    Some children will attend virtual summer school. Just like the regular school year, the same guidelines apply: keep a consistent schedule and routine. Here are…

Join our Mission

Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.