Month: June 2020

Showing all 5 results
How Technology Helps Visually Impaired Navigate Social Distancing World
As businesses begin to open up and restrictions are lifted, New Yorkers will have to navigate a completely different world. Navigating social distancing is a…
A Word About Discipline
What is the best way for parents to react and respond to children’s misbehavior? Of course, there is no easy answer. It is not that…
Building Family Resilience
By Sheila Adamo, LSW, and Facilitator in the Lighthouse Guild Tele-Support Program There are many different definitions of resilience and so many books, articles and…
Summer Camp
Summer for many families has included some sort of camp or recreation program. Recently the American Camp Association and the YMCA’s of the U.S. released…
Virtual Summer School Tips
Some children will attend virtual summer school. Just like the regular school year, the same guidelines apply: keep a consistent schedule and routine. Here are…
Join our Mission
Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.