Join us every third Monday of the month for a FREE talk featuring an expert in the field of vision loss.
The Tele-Support Talk program provides valuable insights on topics related to supporting children, teenagers, and families dealing with vision loss. These topics are carefully selected based on the preferences and needs of participants within Lighthouse Guild’s Tele-Support Network. Our discussions cover areas such as child development, education, and advocacy. All are welcome to join us!
Tele-Support Talks Library
Did you miss a talk or would like to listen to one again? We have collected all our monthly informational talks from experts in various fields for you to listen to anytime and anywhere. If you like what you hear, please feel free to share!
Tele-Support Talks
Utilizing Adaptive Technology for Children with Visual Impairments (Session 2)
by Angel Pacheco, Program Administrator, Lighthouse Guild Transcript Sheila Okay, welcome to the Lighthouse Guild “Utilizing Adaptive Technology for Children with Visual Impairments” with Angel…
Tele-Support Talks
Utilizing Adaptive Technology for Children with Visual Impairments (Session 1)
A review of the latest technology with Apple, Alexa and Microsoft systems that are most accessible to assist persons with visual impairments in everyday tasks.
Tele-Support Talks
Tips to Decrease Stress when Traveling
Flying can be extremely anxiety provoking for families of children with visual impairments and other disabilities. We will discuss strategies that can make air travel easier for both parents and children.
Tele-Support Talks
Safety and Self-Defense for People Living with Vision Loss
Sensei Devin Fernandez will share self-defense tips and strategies that can help those with vision loss stay safe at home or in their community.
Tele-Support Talks
Rare Eye Conditions Teleconference – The Parent Balancing Challenge
Learn how to manage the difficulties of raising a child with vision impairment and keep your life balanced.
Tele-Support Talks
Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration for Visual Impairment
Join Dr. Vidya Pingale for a discussion about the impact of visual impairment on sensory integration, treatment strategies, and techniques to incorporate at home.
Tele-Support Talks
Life’s Not Over It Just Looks Different
Public speaker and author Christopher Gordon shares the powerful insight that inspired him to continue living his life to the fullest despite sudden vision loss.
Tele-Support Talks
Getting You and Your Child Ready for a Successful School Year
This presentation provides parents of children with visual impairments with some helpful tips when either returning to school or starting school for the first time.
Tele-Support Talks
Exploring College Readiness
Leslie Thatcher and Kate Katulak, from the College Success@Perkins program at Perkins School for the Blind, will explore what college readiness in 2021 means, and how to explore supporting your students to be prepared to the best of their abilities.
Tele-Support Talks
Envision Your Future with the College Success Program
Envision’s College Success Program is an all-virtual, holistic support system that helps guide students as they transition from high school to college. Hear firsthand from mentors and mentees as they share out personal insights and successes.
Tele-Support Talks
Empowering Parents
During this presentation, we will discuss the difficult task that parents have of meeting the needs of a child with visual impairment while taking care of themselves.
Tele-Support Talks
Developing Self Advocacy Skills
One of the most important skills children with visual impairments can learn is the ability to advocate for themselves. Self-advocacy includes speaking up for themselves and making decisions to help attain their goals. During this discussion, Dr. Joy Harris will provide tips and strategies for parents to help build the skills and confidence your child needs to be an effective self-advocate.
Tele-Support Talks
Dealing with the COVID-19 and Your Family
Discuss what COVID-19 is, what is the most current status and how it can affect families with children with blindness, visual impairment and other developmental disabilities.
Tele-Support Talks
Creating the Optimal Vision Environment
This presentation addresses the leading problems of vision loss in children such as central loss, peripheral loss, overall blur, color deficiencies and issues related to CVI and their implication for designing accessible environments.
Tele-Support Talks
Building Resilience in Children and Teens
Join us for a discussion about the psychological underpinning of resilience and learn some strategies for optimizing it in the home.
Tele-Support Talks
Behavior and Sleep Disorders and the Visually Impaired
A quick review of how circadian rhythm affects sleep cycles and how this functions in children with visual impairment. A review of evidence-based treatment options and sleep hygiene education.
Tele-Support Talks
Be the Best Advocate for Your Child
Advocating for services, educational or medical, can be frustrating and confusing. Here are some tools to help you advocate for your child while developing relationships with service providers.
Tele-Support Talks
A Very Special Toy Box: How to Find (& Make!) Developmental Toys & Activities for Children Who are Blind or Visually Impaired
Learn how to find the best toys for your child’s needs, including what to look for in off-the-shelf toys and how to adapt or make your own toys so they are appropriate for your child.
Tele-Support Talks
A Shot in the Dark
In this presentation we meet Anthony Ferraro, a Paralympic wrestler and a judo master who is blind. He shares with us his story, struggles, and successes.