
Summer Camp

Summer for many families has included some sort of camp or recreation program. Recently the American Camp Association and the YMCA’s of the U.S. released new guidance for summer camps, explaining that camps will have to decide whether or not to open per recommendations from state and local governments, which will consider how much Covid-19 is spreading within the community.

Camps in many parts of the country will not be able to open and will consider going “virtual” — coordinating crafts, exercise, and social activities remotely. Yet kids can’t hike and swim while holding devices. They can hardly go outside unless they have Wi-Fi. Some parents question the value of virtual summer camps since it has to take place almost entirely inside.

Another concern is the amount of screen time the children will be exposed to. Dr. Laura Sperazza, Lighthouse Guild Director of Low Vision Services, has cautioned that too much screen time is harmful to children with vision loss. Also, many children may once again need their parents to sit with them and facilitate the activities; working parents often cannot handle being the camp’s extension at home.

The pros and cons of virtual camp should be considered. You may find that it could be one of several options to engage your child, even for brief periods.

Virtual Summer Camps