Technology & Vision

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On Tech & Vision Podcast
The Development of Artificial Vision
Today’s big idea is all about the cutting edge advancements in ocular bionic prosthetics. The Argus II is a device that uses a camera and a chip to stimulate the retina and send signals to the brain. Our guest, Dr. Mark Humayun, developer of Argus II, speaks with Dr. Roberts about the development of this device.
On Tech & Vision Podcast
Integrating Touch and Sound
Today’s big idea is how we can use touch and sound together to create spatial awareness. Just like learning to play the piano or another instrument, smart cane technology engages the both sound and touch to compensate for loss of vision. Kürşat Ceylan, the founder and CEO of WeWALK, shares how the WeWALK smart cane engages a number of senses to develop new autonomy for users, and how their technology is a jumping-off point for integrating other technologies.
On Tech & Vision Podcast
A “Remapped Reality” – Using Virtual Reality to Remap the Visual
Today’s big idea is the power of virtual reality — how people are using VR to remap sight and help people with . Dr. Roberts visits with Grace and Dr. Frank Werblin about how emerging technologies help people with low vision access the areas of vision they still have, by using a virtual reality system. They also talk about how sight works biologically, and how one such device, IrisVision, works to connect people socially.
On Tech & Vision Podcast
Seeing with Your Ears: Translating the Visual World to Audio
Today’s big idea is seeing with your ears — exploring technology that uses audio to connect people with vision loss to the world around them. Dr. Cal Roberts speaks with Dr. Yonatan Wexler about the OrCam My Eye device. They explore the ideas of whether the brain can recreate a picture using audio alone, how well hearing can replace lost sight, and what are the discovery processes for using audio description technology as a substitute for vision.
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Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.