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Showing 31–40 of 63 results

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    Smoking and Eye Disease

    Smoking tobacco (cigarettes, cigars or pipes) can cause lung disease, heart disease, cancer, and many other serious health problems. But did you know that smoking…

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    Protect Your Eyes This Summer

    Wearing Sunglasses with UV Protection Helps to Prevent Serious Eye Damage It’s common knowledge that exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun can cause skin…

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    Dr. Susan Weinstein discussing Women’s Eye Health on SiriusXM “Beyond the Heart”

    Dr. Susan Weinstein discussing women’s eye health and other vision-related topics on SiriusXM Radio “Beyond the Heart”.

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    Set Your Sights on Vision Rehab

    “Set Your Sights on Vision Rehab” Facebook Live Event Co-hosted by Lighthouse Guild, National Eye Institute and the American Optometric Association   February is Low…

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    Women’s Eye Health Tips

    April Is Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month It is easy to take vision for granted. However, it’s important for everyone to pay attention to…

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    Test-retest Variability of a Standardized Low Vision Lighting Assessment

    The LuxIQ is a portable lighting assessment tool that can be used to systematically measure lighting preferences; however, there is little independent evidence to support its reliability in low vision rehabilitation.

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    Diabetes Awareness Month

    In recognition of Diabetes awareness month, The National Eye Institute (NEI) and Lighthouse Guild are presenting a social media campaign to raise awareness about the disease’s devastating effect on vision and what can be done to prevent vision loss.

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    Annual Screening for Cancer and other Conditions

    At the start of each year, we often set goal plans for ourselves. Plan to take care of your health by promptly scheduling all your recommended annual health screening tests at the beginning of the year. Many conditions such as high blood pressure, high lipid levels and colon cancer may not have early signs or symptoms.

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    Dental Care

    Problems with your teeth can affect how and what you eat. Poor dental health can also lead to pneumonia and heart disease. Gum disease and oral cancer, if found and treated early, need not become a major problem.

Join our Mission

Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.