
Showing 41–50 of 96 results
Tech Talk
Tech Talk: Accessible Book Reading Platforms
July 18, 2023 - Lighthouse Guild’s tech experts discuss different book reading platforms such as Audible, the Kindle e-reader, Bookshare and BARD.
Glaucoma Myths vs. Facts from Lighthouse Guild
NEW YORK (January 5, 2024) – Glaucoma affects over 3 million people in the United States and is often called the “silent thief of sight” because it robs people of vision slowly and without early symptoms. January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, a great time to emphasize the importance of regular eye check-ups for early detection of glaucoma and other eye diseases.
Guide Dogs for People with Vision Impairment
nute video presentation discusses the role of guide dogs in helping people with vision impairment to safely navigate their environment.
Visual Impairment in Children
This 15-minute video presentation describes common causes of visual impairment in children and demonstrates how visual impairment can impact a child’s development, learning, daily activities and socialization.
Vision Magnification and Enhancement Systems
This 9-minute video reviews a range of assistive technology for people with vision impairment.
On Tech & Vision Podcast
Reimagining the Visual Arts
Dr. Cal speaks with El-Deane Naude from Sony Electronics about the Retissa NeoViewer, a project developed with QD Laser that projects images taken on a camera directly onto the photographer’s retina. This technology allows people who are visually impaired to see their work much more clearly and with greater ease.
Say Goodbye to Holiday Season Stress: Lighthouse Guild Offers Tips for People with Vision Loss
The holiday season can be a wonderful time of joy and celebration, but it can also be very stressful, and people with vision loss can face particular challenges. Cooking, shopping, and traveling can require more effort. Parties and social events may increase interactions with people who do not understand vision loss. For people without family or close friends, the holidays can increase feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Diabetes Awareness
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 373 million Americans have diabetes. That’s 1 in 10 people in the U.S.! Possibly even more worrisome, an estimated 96 million adults in the country (1 in 3) have prediabetes.
2023 Lighthouse Guild Awards Lecture
Watch this year's Lighthouse Guild Awards Lectures which feature the Bressler Prize awardee, Dr. Wiley A. Chambers, who talks about the process of approving new ophthalmic drugs. The Pisart Award recipient, Mr. Saqib Shaikh, discusses how the power of technology can empower people with vision loss through the Seeing AI project. Additionally, the Morse Lecture recipient, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, elaborates on the importance of advocacy for people with disabilities.
November is Diabetes Awareness Month
Improving health and avoiding diabetes-related complications is essential for millions of people in the United States who have diabetes. One of the most common and serious complications of diabetes is vision loss. Lighthouse Guild offers the following tips to help reduce risk and preserve eyesight.
Join our Mission
Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.