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Showing 31–40 of 96 results

  • Blog

    Common Vision Terminology

    This 20-minute video presentation defines and discusses common vison-related terms that apply to how we see, how vision is assessed, eye professionals, and a variety of conditions that can affect vision.

  • Blog

    Dispelling the Myths about Low Vision

    Low Vision is a serious condition that affects more than seven million people in the United States. However, there are several misunderstandings about low vision among people. Watch this video featuring Dr. Laura Sperazza, Director of Vision Rehabilitation Services, and Dr. Rebekah Lin, a Low Vision Specialist, where they debunk some common myths about low vision.

  • On Tech & Vision Podcast

    Generative AI: The World in the Palm of Your Hand

    Dr. Cal, speaks with Saqib about how Generative AI works, his firsthand experience using an app like Seeing AI, and how it helped improve his daily life. 

  • Blog

    Dr. Calvin Roberts Talks about Glaucoma on The Dave Nemo Show, SiriusXM Road Dog Trucking Station

    Dr. Calvin Roberts talks about Glaucoma — screening, prevention, and current treatments — on The Dave Nemo Show, SiriusXM Road Dog Trucking station. 

  • Blog

    What Should You Know About Low Vision?

    February is Low Vision Awareness Month. According to the National Eye Institute, 3 million Americans ages 40 and older have low vision. It is crucial to understand what low vision is, how to detect it, and how to take steps toward safety and accessibility if you are living with low vision.

  • Blog

    What Older Americans Need to Know About Age-Related Macular Degeneration

    related macular degeneration, also known as AMD, is a common eye disease that can threaten your vision, particularly if you are over 60.

  • Blog

    Tower of David Jerusalem Museum Audio Descriptive Guided Tour

    Lighthouse Guild and the Tower of David Jerusalem Museum invite you to explore the ancient citadel at the Jaffa Gate entrance to Jerusalem’s Old City. Discover the rich history of Jerusalem with guided tour video, specially curated for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.

  • Blog

    Glaucoma with Dr. Laura Sperazza

    States and is often called the “silent thief of sight” because it robs people of vision slowly and without early symptoms.

  • Tech Talk

    Tech Talk: Orientation and Navigation Application Technologies

    September 19, 2023 - Lighthouse Guild tech experts discuss different wayfinding technologies along with special guests; Idan Meir from RightHear, Michiel Janssen from Ayes, developers of the OKO app, Evelyn Tichenor from GoodMaps and Kevin Yoo from HapticNav & Wayband by WearWorks.

  • Tech Talk

    Tech Talk: iPhone Tips and Tricks

    August 15, 2023 - Lighthouse Guild tech experts discuss iPhone Tips and Tricks. Learn about Smart Typing, Magnifier options, useful voiceover settings, Siri functions and more. 

Join our Mission

Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.