Month: September 2020
Showing all 8 results
Vision Rehabilitation: A Client’s Story
Shanell Matos, a client of Lighthouse Guild since 2018, tells her story and talks about how Lighthouse Guild’s Vision Rehabilitation services changed her life.
Now More than Ever: Tele-Support Groups
Lighthouse Guild has a long experience of offering tele-support, even before the current pandemic underscored the necessity of tele-support over face-to-face meetings.
Online Education for Professionals
Advances in the care of people with vision loss are happening at an exciting pace. Healthcare professionals can keep up — on their own time, at their own pace, in their office or home — through online educational programs offered by Lighthouse Guild.
Eye Movement Exercises Improve Reading Speed in People with Age-Related Macular Degeneration
A new method for training eye movements can help people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) read faster.
Lighthouse Guild Scholarships Recognize Exceptional Students Pursuing Their Dreams
Lighthouse Guild provides scholarships every year to exceptional college-bound high school students and graduate students who are legally blind.
Lighthouse Guild Volunteer Spotlight
Lighthouse Guild was founded by volunteers who envisioned a brighter future for people with vision loss. More than a hundred years later, we now have a large family of volunteers who continue that legacy.
Lighthouse Guild Highlights
President and CEO, Calvin W. Roberts, MD and Chief of Staff, Paul Misiti, presented “Bringing For-Profit Chops to Nonprofit Leadership” to The Vanguard Network, a membership organization for C-suite leaders across business sectors.
State-of-the-Art Vision Care
To further provide exceptional care to patients who receive our Low Vision services, Lighthouse Guild has acquired an Ultra-Widefield (UWF) retinal imaging device.
Join our Mission
Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.