
Showing all 96 results
OT Can Help People With Visual Impairments
By Inna Babaeva, Originally posted on Chelsea News. Occupational therapy, commonly called OT, is a form of therapy for people with temporary or permanent disabilities…
Clinician’s Guide to Low Vision Practice
This eBook is a resource for students and vision practitioners to incorporate low vision into their practice. It includes chapters on conducting a low vision…
Blind and Beyond Radio Interview with Dr. Calvin Roberts
Recently, our President and CEO Dr. Calvin Roberts spoke on the Blind and Beyond Radio Show, a national radio show dedicated to reaching the blind…
Effective Color Contrast and Making Text Legible
The right choice of color, contrast, text size, or font can make all the difference in the world to a person with vision loss. Knowing how to make the best choices can increase the value and effectiveness of materials created for people with vision loss and color deficiencies. This program features two downloadable booklets providing guidance on how to achieve effective color contrast and produce legible text.
Optical devices and vision rehabilitation may help you adapt
See Better With Low-Vision Solutions About 4 million older adults are believed to have low vision–vision impairment that can’t be corrected with glasses or contact…
Join our Mission
Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.