Month: March 2021

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Optical devices and vision rehabilitation may help you adapt
See Better With Low-Vision Solutions About 4 million older adults are believed to have low vision–vision impairment that can’t be corrected with glasses or contact…
Tele-Support Talks
Building Resilience in Children and Teens
Join us for a discussion about the psychological underpinning of resilience and learn some strategies for optimizing it in the home.
On Tech & Vision Podcast
Remote Diagnostic Testing and the Machine Learning Revolution
Today’s big idea is: How will remote diagnostic tests change ophthalmology and vision care? It might be a foreign concept for some, but the specialists in today’s episode, Dr. Peter Pham and Dr. Sean Ianchulev, founders of (Keep Your Sight, a nonprofit focused on remote diagnostic vision tests) share how they can conduct more reliable perimetry tests that help detect macular degeneration, glaucoma, and other conditions that lead to vision loss and eventually blindness — remotely, while patients stay home.
Tele-Support Talks
Empowering Parents
During this presentation, we will discuss the difficult task that parents have of meeting the needs of a child with visual impairment while taking care of themselves.
Why People Who Are Blind Need COVID-19 Vaccinations Now
Lighthouse Guild Calls for States to Expand Eligibility and Access Who should be next in line to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in the United States?…
Join our Mission
Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.