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Showing 1–10 of 37 results

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    Retinal Diseases

    An eye care professional can diagnose retinal diseases through a comprehensive dilated eye exam. Additional tests performed during this exam can visualize the blood vessels of the retina and measure the electrical activity of cells of the retina.

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    Dry Eye

    Dry eye results when there are not enough tears to properly lubricate the eyes, or the quality of the tears is not sufficient. It is one of the most common eye conditions, affecting millions of adults in the United States.

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    Diabetic Retinopathy

    Diabetes, especially when it’s not well controlled, can impair the eyes and cause serious vision loss.

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    Detached Retina

    Retinal detachment (detached retina) occurs when the retina comes lose from its normal position. Fluid make leak into the area underneath the retina, and there may be a tear or break in the retina.

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    Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

    Pink eye refers to inflammation of the conjunctiva—the layer of thin, clear tissue lining the inside your eyelids and covering the whites of your eyes. Inflammation makes the blood vessels more visible, giving the appearance of pink eye.

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    Color Blindness

    Color blindness is a condition in which your perception of colors is deficient and differs from what most people see. It is more common in men than women.

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    Coloboma refers to rare conditions in which normal tissue in or around the eye is missing. It may affect the eyelid, lens, macula, retina, optic nerve, or uvea (including the iris and pupil).

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    A cataract is a clouding of a lens in an eye. It can affect one or both eyes and most often happens in older people. In fact, more than half of Americans age 80 and older have a cataract or had cataract surgery.

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    If you have blepharitis, there is inflammation of the inside or outside of your eyelids due to bacteria or oily flakes at the base of your eyelashes.

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    Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

    Amblyopia occurs when one eye is used more than the other. It is also called “lazy eye.” It happens when the weaker eye does not work well with the brain.

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Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.