Sponsor a Gift for a Youth – Confirmation
Thank you for sponsoring a gift for a young client in our Saturday Youth Skills Program (SYSP)!
As a sponsor, you are asked to provide a personalized gift package that contains an age/gender/ability-appropriate gift item.
We will contact you shortly to provide the name, age (if applicable) and gender of the student you have sponsored.
The deadline for gift packages is Monday, December 9, 2024. Gifts must be brand new and wrapped in holiday paper and placed in a decorative gift bag. With your confirmation e-mail, you will receive additional information including suggested gift items and how to label your gift.
Please deliver or mail your gift package to the Stephen T. Pearlman Volunteer Center at 250 West 64th Street, 6th floor, New York 10023.
If you have any questions please contact the Stephen T. Pearlman Volunteer Center at 646-874-8688 or email.