
Visionary Cocktail Reception

April 19, 2021

Posted by Palm Beach Social Diary

Lighthouse Guild, the leading organization dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals, hosted an al fresco Visionary Cocktail Reception at Swifty’s at The Colony Hotel in Palm Beach.

This year’s annual dinner dance was reconfigured for the guests’ safety into a CDC-compliant cocktail reception to enable the organization to stay connected to its community of local friends and supporters. Nearly 50 guests attended the affair at the invitation of several distinguished Palm Beach supporters, Audrey and Martin Gruss, Kit Pannill, Thomas C. Quick and Frannie Scaife, all who have been past honorees at annual Lighthouse Guild Visionary Evening Dinner Dances.

Marc Rosen, Founder of the Palm Beach Friends of Lighthouse Guild, welcomed the guests to the 14th annual event in Palm Beach. He recalled hosting its inaugural reception in the very same place at The Colony. “It’s like coming full circle and seeing some of the same guests here tonight who have stayed with us through the years,” said Mr. Rosen. He then introduced Dr. Calvin W. Roberts, President and CEO of Lighthouse Guild.

Dr. Roberts thanked the Grusses, Mrs. Pannill, Mr. Quick and Mrs. Scaife for their longstanding support and acknowledged Lighthouse Guild’s Board, staff and volunteers. Following, Dr. Roberts spoke about the future of Lighthouse Guild and some of the latest technological innovations implemented by the organization including a demonstration of the OrCam MyEye smart device. He then introduced Mr. Quick, who conducted a live auction.

Proceeds from the evening will support Lighthouse Guild’s mission to provide exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.

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Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.