Ballot Marking Devices: An Accessible Vote of Confidence
October 2, 2024

Posted by Able News
By Jeremy Morak, Marketing Manager, Lighthouse Guild
As Election Day approaches, millions of New Yorkers are preparing to vote. If you’ve ever felt frustrated or discouraged trying to vote on a paper ballot that is too difficult to read, you are not alone. However, you can ease this stressful situation by using a Ballot Marking Device (BMD), an accessible machine that can enlarge your ballot’s font size or audibly read out every word through headphones. These machines are touchscreens with optional buttons on the side, helping users vote for their candidates in every race on a particular ballot. The machines are easy to use and offer a secure and independent voting experience for anyone who is blind, visually impaired, or unable to read and mark a paper ballot on their own.
Dorothy Delayo, a poll worker for the NYC Board of Elections and a volunteer with Lighthouse Guild, has essential tips to help individuals who need assistance when they vote:
Ask to use a Ballot Marking Device as soon as you arrive.
There is at least one functioning BMD at every NYC polling site, and you have the right to request to use it for any reason. As soon as you sign in, let the poll worker know that you would like to vote using a ballot marking device. If you want to see how the machine works, you have the right to get assistance and must be aided by two poll workers, one from each party (Democrat and Republican).
If you are told “the Ballot Marking Devices are not working,” ask to speak with the Poll Site Coordinator.
Make sure you speak with the Poll Site Coordinator and let them know if the BMDis not working properly. They are required to reach out to the Board of Elections and have a replacement device delivered as soon as possible.
Be assertive and know your rights!
Do not be intimidated if your polling center appears crowded or hectic. You are your best advocate; tools are available to ensure you can cast your ballot, but it’s your responsibility to ask!
For more information about voting, and to learn more about accessible resources available, including absentee ballots, check out these links:
Find your poll site:
Information about voting accessibility:
Information about Ballot Marking Devices:
Accessible Voting: Know Your Rights:
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Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.