Understanding and Addressing Vision Loss
About This Program
Social workers help their clients recognize the psychosocial impact of vision loss and learn how to cope. This two-hour program provides social workers with an understanding of vision loss and its impact, and offers strategies to help clients address their loss and access vision rehabilitation services. This program includes three modules, plus case scenarios, and narration with a transcript option as well as descriptive photographs, diagrams, drawings, and video clips to enhance the learning experience.
Who May Benefit
- Social workers caring for people with special visual needs
What is Covered
Through this program, you will:
- Recognize the impact of vision loss on clients’ physical and mental health, daily activities, social participation, and overall quality of life.
- Learn strategies to conduct psychosocial assessments, help clients address vision loss, and improve their ability to accomplish daily activities.
- Facilitate clients’ acceptance of vision loss through effective discussion of the loss and its impact on their lives.
- Learn about vision rehabilitation services and how to connect clients and their families with them.
- Understand how to run a vision loss support group.
I was impressed with the content and the sophisticated medical devices and psycho-social help available and recommended for the visually impaired. We come across visual issues more and more as our patient/client population ages as well as our personal and professional network of friends and family.”
Jane Gold, LCSW-R
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