Date: Monday, May 20, 2024
Time: 8:30 – 9:30pm EST
Location: Online via Zoom
Speaker: Tony Cruz
During this discussion, Tony Cruz will share his inspiring story of overcoming personal challenges with vision loss while continuing to excel in the world of graffiti art. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from Cruz’s trailblazing success, as he discusses his groundbreaking work and shares insights on navigating the world of art with visual impairment.
About the Speaker
Tony Cruz RAM 2, an UrbanAdvertising Graffiti Art Entrepreneur based in New York City, has been apioneering figure in his field since 1979, with his trailblazing successstarting in 1984. Specializing in custom-designed urban advertising murals, hiswork has contributed to the growth of numerous small businesses by enhancingbrand identity, increasing product and service awareness, and fosteringcustomer loyalty.
Employing the South Bronx Style of urban hip hop graffiti art,Cruz’s designs serve as highly influential attention-grabbers, embodyingmessages for consumers. In 2018, he combined his personal challenge with visionloss with elements of hip hop graffiti art and lyrical poetry, making historyas the first graffiti artist to speak at the United Nations and teach atinstitutions like the NY Metropolitan Museum, Universal Hip Hop Museum, andBronx River Arts Center.

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