Elliot has been in show business for 60 years, during which he worked as an actor, writer, singer, musician, director, and producer. With great reluctance, he had to stop performing, primarily because of ocular sarcoidosis, although he also suffered from cataracts and severe glaucoma. “My vision became so disoriented that I no longer knew what direction I was facing when I was out on the stage.” This change in his career made him extremely depressed.
He was referred to a Lighthouse Guild doctor for weekly telehealth therapy. “The sessions give me someone to talk to and to put things in perspective. I find that it is much healthier to speak with someone else instead of keeping your thoughts to yourself. [My doctor] has been a lifesaver. I really do not know where I would be without the teletherapy sessions.”
Elliot’s doctor also arranged for him to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at Lighthouse Guild’s office. “They were so courteous, kind, professional and efficient in the way that they handled everything. They made the whole experience of having to go in for a vaccination almost enjoyable. I could not see well enough to fill out the forms and they helped me. The entire atmosphere created at Lighthouse Guild was one of such welcoming and caring nature that it made an otherwise potentially troublesome or difficult appointment enjoyable.”
[My Lighthouse Guild doctor] has been a lifesaver. I really do not know where I would be without the teletherapy sessions.
Elliot, client

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Lighthouse Guild is collecting stories about how eye health programs benefit you and your family. These personal stories are invaluable in showing local leaders how this issue impacts real people. Share your story and help ensure our future health care system reflects the needs of our communities.