Showing 1–10 of 50 results for “On Tech & Vision with Dr. Cal Roberts”
On Tech & Vision Podcast
Extending Human Vision
Today’s big idea is how the technology used in instruments that extend human vision to space is being relied on by vision technology developers in devices that help people with vision loss in everyday tasks here on Earth. Using substitute senses has allowed scientists across many fields to continue their work without the use of sight. The eSight is one such device that stimulates the remaining functioning vision to improve the quality of life for users. Dr. Roberts speaks with Charles Lim about the development of the device, the principles behind how it works, and the motivation for future improvements.
On Tech & Vision Podcast
Podcast series on how technology can improve the lives of people with vision loss Technology is playing a vital role in tearing down barriers for…
On Tech & Vision Podcast
Improving Visual Impairment with Technology
On Tech & Vision Podcast with Dr. Cal Roberts This episode’s big idea is about using augmented reality, machine learning, and soon fifth generation (5G) connectivity…
On Tech & Vision Podcast
Tools for Success: Tech Convergence and Co-Designed Products Close Gaps for Children Who are Blind
People who are blind or visually impaired know all too well the challenges of living in a sighted world. But today, the capabilities of computer vision and other tech are converging with the needs of people who are blind and low vision and may help level the playing field for young people with all different sensory abilities.
On Tech & Vision Podcast
AI Revolutionizes Vision Tech, Ophthalmology, and Medicine as We Know It
In 1997, Gary Kasparov lost an epic chess rematch to IBM’s supercomputer Deep Blue, but since then, artificial intelligence has become humanity’s life-saving collaborator. This episode explores how AI will revolutionize vision technology and, beyond that, all of medicine.
On Tech & Vision Podcast
A Celebration of Sound and Song: Music Tech Shines the Spotlight on Musicians with Vision Loss
Marcus Roberts, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, and even Louis Braille (who invented the Braille Music Notation system still used today) prove that musicians who are blind or visually impaired have made profound impacts on our musical landscape.
Optical devices and vision rehabilitation may help you adapt
See Better With Low-Vision Solutions About 4 million older adults are believed to have low vision–vision impairment that can’t be corrected with glasses or contact…
Optical devices and vision rehabilitation may help you adapt
See Better With Low-Vision Solutions About 4 million older adults are believed to have low vision–vision impairment that can’t be corrected with glasses or contact…
Fantastic New Tech for People With Low Vision or Blindness
Innovative devices help those with sight-stealing eye conditions navigate the world Low vision affects an estimated 12 million adults over 40 in the U.S., often…
Vision for Life Virtual Forum: What You Need to Know to Prevent Vision Loss During COVID-19 and Beyond
Dr. April Jasper and Dr. Terrence P. O’Brien join Dr. Calvin W. Roberts to provide insights on what you can do to maintain good…
Join our Mission
Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.