Month: November 2018
Showing all 4 results
Happier Holidays for Children with Vision Loss
Children with vision loss, mental health issues or developmental and physical challenges such as autism, sensory issues, depression and anxiety may need extra help managing the festivities of the season. They also do not all experience the holidays the same way.
A Hybrid Indoor Positioning System for the Blind and Visually Impaired Using Bluetooth and Google Tango
Blind & visually impaired individuals often face challenges in wayfinding in unfamiliar environments. Thus, an accessible indoor positioning and navigation system that safely and accurately positions and guides such individuals would be welcome.
Test-retest Variability of a Standardized Low Vision Lighting Assessment
The LuxIQ is a portable lighting assessment tool that can be used to systematically measure lighting preferences; however, there is little independent evidence to support its reliability in low vision rehabilitation.
Diabetes Awareness Month
In recognition of Diabetes awareness month, The National Eye Institute (NEI) and Lighthouse Guild are presenting a social media campaign to raise awareness about the disease’s devastating effect on vision and what can be done to prevent vision loss.
Join our Mission
Lighthouse Guild is dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.